Saturday, July 28, 2012

Master Minds

I’ve recently been observing how all of our senses can help us remember the past. 

Examples of sensory time travel:

-  Every blackberry that lands on your tongue reminds you of climbing the rock wall at age 7 with your homeschooled neighbors and picking all the berries for pancakes the next morning.
-  No Doubt’s “Just A Girl” brings you back to the Tweeter Center lawn where you watched your first concert with your parents at age 9. Gwen Stefani shouted “I’m just a motherfucking girl” on the last chorus & your mom told you never to repeat it again. Couldn’t help it.
-  The smell of fresh cut grass makes you think of your first job mowing lawns at 14, listening to Incubus & Lauren Hill on your CD player everyday, and finding 23 four-leaf clovers during summer break.
-  Feeling the texture of a sleeping bag reminds you of the time you were 21 and you took all your best friends to a monastery on the hillside to watch the meteor shower, eat peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, and discuss life.
-  Every time you see autumn leaves, you remember back to school shopping, picking out the perfect pumpkin, making apple pie, and watching the incredible cult-classic film “Halloween Tree” that only exists on VHS. No exact age, it’s (still) an annual occurrence. 

Five primary senses- sight, sound, taste, smell, and feel. I think two other useful things for memory are creation and observation. My best example for both of these is the process of writing your thoughts down (in a journal or on walls or through a blog). Yes, you are “feeling" the pencil/spraycan/keyboard, but it's your physical action of documenting your ideas that creates something unique. Observation is then the mental action that comes into play when you reread it. Yes, you’re “seeing” the words, but your brain is pulling them together and repainting the memory.

The Vitruvian Man (1487)- Leonardo da Vinci

Our minds are powerful tools- they can bridge hearing to listening, seeing to understanding, thinking to feeling. I’ve finally figured out what countless philosophers have been trying to say. The mind can be trained, just like the outer physical body. With the right amount of exercise and care, your mind will feel more like a gift than a weapon. Clarity, motivation, confidence, productivity, kindness, peace > confusion, lethargy, fear, anxiety, cruelty, indifference. Want a better life? All you have to do is start. Trust me, there's not a more perfect time than right now. 

Infinitely yours,


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