your mouth is an amusement park
every word a prize
I didn't have to play for
every sentence a water slide
and I'm hanging on
to each letter like a life jacket
not out of fear
but so I can float
down your stream of consciousness
and experience all the extraordinary ideas
your mind keeps inside water molecules
"What's your story?"
your eyes lock onto mine
the gaze unlocks my mind
a Rube Goldberg machine
waiting for a domino push
from a question mark like yours
thoughts flow
down my cerebellum
and line up in my throat
eagerly awaiting
the ride on my roller coaster tongue
and there you are
taking in every excited word
with a down-to-earth
out-of-this-world smile
"I love the way your mind works"
what a coincidence
I love the way your mind works too
just like I love the way your mouth works
an amusement park I never want to leave
"I'm happy we met"
an adrenaline rush
the ultimate thrill
conversation never felt so good
sooooooo good. we need to get together and share!